How much does a BASIX Certificate cost?
Basix certificate cost
1. NSW Government’s Fees:
Single dwelling : $ 50
Multi-dwelling : $80 (for first two dwellings) $35 (for each dwelling more than two dwellings)
Residential flat building : Variable - depends on number of units
Alteration and additions : $25 for each dwelling
2. Our cost: BASIX certificate cost start from $200 If your project does not require simulation.
If your project requires simulation, usually an hourly fee of $70 to $100 per hour is charged excluding any Government and Software Vendor , ABSA fees
3. Software vendor charge around $ 33 per certificate for Nathers
4. ABSA charge $ 7 per certificate +GST
Every project is different , Please ask for quick quote.
Why fees could vary from others?
We have been asked this question many times. The real and quick answer is , You will get what you paid for. We have hands on experience on construction. We don't focus on getting your project pass score only for approval . We have seen so many projects where construction cost could be sigfinactly saved by using alternative materials , method etc.
We not only focused on getting pass score in BASIX certificate, We access every project based on construction cost, long term benefits, sustainability. Our simple advice is don't lose thousands for couple of hundreds . Ask a lot of questions to your consultant. If you have any question don't hesitate to contact us.
Where i could find more information about BASIX, Nathers, sustainability?
There are so many good resources to learn about BASIX , Nathers and sustainability , We recommend to do research as you are going to spend a significant amount of money building your new home. please follow link below: 1. NSW government BASIX website